
“As a human being I acknowledge that my well-being depends on others and caring for others’ well-being is a moral responsibility I take seriously. It’s unrealistic to think that the future of humanity can be achieved on the basis of prayer or good wishes alone; what we need is to take action. Therefore, my first commitment is to contribute to human happiness as best I can.”

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

Throughout my schooling, work, and field experience, there is a common theme of service and working with people from diverse backgrounds to address community initiatives. As a community engagement professional, my passion for local development is deeply rooted in volunteerism and service-learning opportunities. Whether working independently or collaborating with a team, I am dedicated to helping facilitate initiatives that foster creative growth and social justice

I recently served as a Youth Development HIV/AIDS Peace Corps Volunteer in Botswana, Africa from 2015-2017 where I worked with the Ministry of Education on numerous community outreach projects.

Since returning from Botswana, I have completed my MSW at the University of Tennessee in Nashville, where I focused on Trauma-Informed Care, Nonprofit Program Development, and International Social Work.

I am highly motivated to work with organizations focused on:
• Community engagement
• Social justice
• Volunteer coordinating
• Service-learning opportunities
• Policy creation
• Grant management

You can now find me on the farm as the Transitional Employment and Social Work Programs Manager at the Homeless Garden Project in Santa Cruz, CA. In the soil of our urban farm, people find the tools they need to build a home in the world. 

“Sure, I get frustrated. But washing one’s hands of conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral.”

Paulo Freire

Community & Leadership Experience

Trauma-Informed Care Specialist


Their mission is to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Middle Tennessee. We work to achieve this through education, advocacy and support for those at risk of, or living with, HIV.

Refugee Youth Program Assistant


Catholic Charities of Tennessee, Inc. provides human services which enhance and enrich the quality of life for people in need. 

Youth Development Educator


Volunteers work in schools to support guidance and other teachers and staff in implementing a leadership and life skills decision-making curriculum that focuses on keeping students HIV negative. Volunteers co-teach classes, co-facilitate after-school clubs, strengthen teachers’ skills and work with staff to create a safe educational environment.

I have also worked with Street-Level Youth Media & the Hyde Park Art Center in Chicago.

“Instead of bringing back sixteen thousand new plant species, we might return from our journeys with a collection of small, unfeted but life-enhancing thoughts.”

Alain de Botton

Youth Development & Media

With a Bachelor of Arts in Film & Video and a Master of Science in Social Work, my goal is to call upon both of these disciplines to work with young adults throughout all aspects of life – celebrating successes and processing challenges together – in spaces that are rich with creativity, self-expression, and social emotional learning. I have seen first-hand how powerful a tool media is, whether it be music, video, photography, writing, or spoken word. The possibilities are endless! Take a look at the videos above to learn more about The Loudest Pen, a successful outreach campaign that utilized video, music, rap, and poetry to teach teenagers about health and life skills. My goal is to continue collaborating with creatives to offer more opportunities like this one.

“Everyone has his or her own way of learning things. His way isn’t the same as mine, nor mine as his. But we’re both in search of our destinies, and I respect him for that.”

The Alchemist

What’s Inspiring Me Now…

“The hope and conviction that transformation is possible, that ‘the way things are is not the only way that they can be.'”

Training for Transformation in Practice